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The Indie Lounge

Image by Louis Hansel
Why Indie Lounge Matters

our vision

Hi, my name is Liz and I’m the CTO of the Indie Lounge. 

Not too long ago, there was a time when studying was a difficult process. While many students do homework and study for exams at home, in the quiet of their own space, I didn’t have that option. I took care of little siblings, worked to help with the loss of money in my family due to the pandemic, and couldn’t afford a desk. 


When I would get home I would take a shower help with dinner and clean up, by the time I'm done it's late.Cafe lobbies and local libraries are now closed. Now I'm stuck with nowhere to study for an important exam in a few days. I can't make much noise because I share a room with my siblings but I do my best work at night.


There aren’t many choices.


The Indie Lounge was birthed from this shared experience among its co-founders. We believe that young people need a safe space to boost productivity. By offering such a unique combination of services at cheap prices, we hope to level the playing field for teenagers like Liz. Our state-of-the-art Indie Cafe & Lounge, our sound-proof study rooms & free tutorial, and Retro Arcade caters specifically to the teens of today by giving them a safe space to be themselves.

get to know

The Indie Lounge

The Indie Lounge works as a pathway for student achievement and socialization through the synergy of study rooms. a Cafe Lounge and an Arcade. We transform the field for students, who seek the perfect place to hangout with friends and do school work in a quiet environment. Access to our study rooms and tutoring services are offered to members for free. Through the Indie Pass (membership card), customers have access to the refreshments and bakery goods at out Cafe Lounge as well as at Arcadia, where credits act as tokens to play. Money is transferred into these accounts on our website and in turn, our customers don't have to carry cash or credit cards in their pockets. This provides a heightened level of security, as our Indie Passes also have head shots of the members themselves, which are checked by our security team upon entry.

A New Way To Learn 

our mission

Our mission at the Indie Lounge is to create a study culture defined by tranquility. A safe environment where each individual is encouraged to branch out as we center accessibility, customer service, and youth empowerment. 

Image by Annie Spratt
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